Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Super Duper Love

The day before yesterday I cut a pair of my jeans up (since I had two of the EXACT pair. One was a bit older than the other though) to make them into shorts (AGH. CANNOT WAIT FOR SPRING. Wherefore art thou?). Which left me with a load of denim scraps. I don't remember why but I decided that I wanted to make little denim rosettes out of them. At that time I still had no idea what I wanted to do with them, just that I wanted to make these roses. After a million years (hyperbole, how I love thee) I was able to make four roses (there was a tester in the beginning, but it's too hideous to show here) and so I decided to make a braided hippie headband and a ring. So glad I did, I love them both. Can't wait to wear them with my floral maxi dress this Spring.

Now...if only the weather would get a littler warmer...

ps. I'm so craving oxford right now. I know I'm a little--lot--late but I think it's coz Japan actually lacks pretty oxfords.

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