Sunday, 3 May 2009

Want and Need so bad that my hands are shaking

I Don't Like Monday's "Marie and Eve/Cabaret dress"

I Don't Like Monday's "Something Else/Hooded cape"

I Don't Like Monday's "Anzevino Florence dress"

I Don't Like Monday's "Priestess/Metallic Reptile dress"

Must find something like these after exams or I will die. Seriously. Also, I just got the most wicked ring from my mum's friend and despite it being really expensive...I got it for free. Yay me! I'll probably take photos of it later when my sister comes back with the camera.


xxx TalkingMonkee


  1. oh my my my my my my! i loveeee the first mini dress! MUST HAVE ONE! aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

  2. OMG...*jaw drops* I want...I need...I crave that mini dress!!! *drools*

    Hmm...when exams finish I HAVE TO MAKE THAT DRESS

    Wish I had the legs to pull it off though.
