Atm i am absoulutely obessesd with arabs....(please don't ask...well i am practically engaged to one *sigh*so i do kinda get away with it.) so i am currently checking out arabic makeup.
I love it its soo dramatic and cool...but really toooo much foundation...for my skin anway.
I took at look at cleopatra's makeup (i know she is greek but whateverrrr) hahah the closest thing is Elizabeth taylor, but she was so buff in her hay days:
Here is more modern arabic makeup:

Buff Right??? So much eye Definition!!! *giggles* I know the down side is the foundation, not good for the skin.
Well I shall try and do an Fotd on this kinda of makeup.
Hehehe i am getting excited thinking about it
Laters people.
hey, i just found your blog. i googled black eyeshadow because i wanted to find some fun ideas on how to apply it for a date tonite and your site popped up. the modern arabic ideas are awesome! those pics are so pretty and i like that there is still color in them. i wanted to do something other than just a mix of grey, black, and white. i'm definitely trying this out tonite :) Thanks!
ReplyDeletehello....AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU TO BE ON THE ARABIC PAGE?!:P hahahahah am boreddddd